What to outsource first?

This is one of the most important tasks in the entire SFO Program.

Prioritising what you outsource is key to saving you time. Getting this right will ensure you are removed from the most repetitive and time-consuming tasks first.

It's these early wins that will give you the time and motivation you need to continue to systemise and outsource your entire business.

Below you will find an explanatory video along with a template spreadsheet.

This exercise only takes a few minutes each day, but you ideally need to do this for a couple of weeks to get a realistic view of where you are spending/wasting your time!

This information is used to create your Personal Systematisation Plan at the beginning of the SFO Program.

When adding times to the sheet, you need to write in 24hr clock, with a colon separating the hours and minutes

e.g. 8am would be '8:00'
8pm would be '20:00'

What to Outsource First


Your Progress:

69.23% Complete
  • Watch the video above
  • Create a copy of the Template (in Resources)
  • Note down what you do each day for the next week or two
  • You will use this in module 3 to create your Personal Systemization Plan

Q: How do I edit the View Only documents?
A: See the guide in the resources section